• PECCS Chief Executive Officer

    Connecting theory and practice to maximise quality

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    Professor Christopher Brook

    Chief Executive Officer

    Recognised as a leading figure in education, coaching and consulting including face to face, online and blended learning settings Professor Brook has a wealth of experience.


    Chris has expertise in how children learn and the continued learning of teachers, school administrators and school systems. He has most recently been active in promoting the use of instructional technology to support learning and teaching, the education of gifted learners (known as precocious learners as the term gifted is problematic) and developing strong school communities. He is a strong advocate for developing a positive staff and student experience that engages individuals and groups promoting excellence.

    Chris has received multiple awards including the Faculty Research Medal, the Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia award for Excellence and Best Paper awarded by the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. He has also won several excellence in teaching awards presented by students.

