• Profectus Education, Consulting and Coaching Services

    Empowering educators and school systems

  • Teaching Online

    Continue teaching in the event of school closures

    In light of the Coronavirus and the very real possibility that schools will close, our team will work with your teachers to ensure that they can keep delivering a quality teaching and learning experience without face to face contact with students. Professional learning is available face to face, blended and online. example business continuity plan

    Recommendation 8 Gonski 2.0 Review: Recommendations (March 2018)


    Highlights the need strengthen school-community engagement that will enrich student learning. Our experienced team can work with your school to assist in developing strong schools communities that enhance student learning.



    Professional learning

    What we do

    PECCS seeks to modernise education and support those professional educators working to deliver quality teaching and learning in our schools.

    Promoting reading growth (1)

    Supporting higher level thinking (in both talking and writing about text) promotes reading growth.

    Promoting reading growth (2)

    Encouraging independent use of word recognition and comprehension strategies during reading activities (both instruction and text reading) promotes reading growth.

    Promoting reading growth (3)

    Using a student support stance (in contrast to a teacher-directed stance) during literacy lessons promotes reading growth.

    Promoting reading growth (4)

    Promoting active, as opposed to passive, involvement in literacy activities promotes reading growth.


    Taylor, B. M., Pearson, P. D., Peterson, D. S., & Rodriguez, M. C. (2003). Reading growth in high-poverty classrooms: The influence of teacher practices that encourage cognitive engagement in literacy learning. The Elementary School Journal, 104(1), 3-28.